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Projects Calendar

Projects auto-populate Projects Calendar

The Projects Calendar template can sync with Notion’s Calendar...
 ... So you can see projects, holidays, birthdays, etc. in one calendar.

Reminders Feature (date-generated -- red=past due, blue=upcoming):


I created table filters so you can create reports for a specific customer by 
clicking on the rules (at the top of the table) and then entering/selecting the specific customer. 

Export: If you click on the three dots in the upper-right top corner, you’ll see the 
option to export your reports. You can export the report as a CSV or a PDF.

Filter reports  for a specific customer:


The client view includes an AI-generated, quick-recap summary of vital information for each pull. 

More Tips:

      • Click on “Open in Calendar” to connect the Projects Calendar to the Notion Calendar (a Google-connected calendar that can also be accessed via Notion’s Calendar app).
      • It’s easy to change currency. Just edit the financial property and select your desired international currency.

      • The Notion default is events. However, the industry likes to consider them projects, so that’s what I named them. When you manually add a project/meeting directly to the calendar, it will call it an event.
      • International sizing type options are listed in 
        👚Client Dimensions.
      • Save data entry time by using the duplicate option when entering multiple items for the same project. Click on the six dots to the left of the row, select duplicate, then make necessary item/data changes.